Ring binder containing photographic materials from five projects by Abalos & Herreros
Contains materials from the following projects:
- Edificio de oficinas de RENFE, Madrid, AP164.S1.1989.D3 (169 photographs, 2 negatives: model, interior/exterior, area and construction);
- Vivienda y Ciudad, avenida Diagonal, Barcelona, AP164.S1.1989.D4 (3 photographs: model);
- Polideportivo los Zumacales, Simancas, AP164.S1.1990.D1 (51 photographs: exterior and construction);
- Polideportivo Parquesol, Valladolid, AP164.S1.1990.D2 (43 photographs: interior/exterior, construction);
- Edificio administrativo por el Ministerio del Interior, Madrid, AP164.S1.1990.D3 (56 photographs, 4 negatives: interior/exterior, construction).
ring binder: 34,9 × 28,9 × 7 cm
dated, labelled and numbered
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