Reference and research for publications
Part of:
  • McGill University. Minimum Cost Housing Group (archive creator)

Reference and research for publications


late 1940s-1999

Level of archival description:
Extent and medium:
  • 8.91 l.m. of textual records

    approx. 2075 photographic material

    145 drawings (all reprographic copies)

    11 audiocassettes

    8 photographs

    1 sketchbook
Scope and content:
File related to various documents used as documentation and reference material for the Minimum Cost Housing Group's publications and research projects. The material in this file was produced between the late 1940s and 1999. The file contains an important collection of photocopies of book chapters, periodical, published reports, commercial leaflets, photographs and slides on various subjects related to the research field of the Minimum Cost Housing Group, and also a collection of maps of cities planning in India.

The published reports in this series include the following:
- Assessment of construction materials for use in emergency housing carried out on behalf of OXFAM (An) / A.K. Green

- Brazil : sites and services project: staff appraisal report / World Bank

- Cocoon / Hollingshead

- Evaluation report on the village sanitation scheme of the Gandhi Smarak Nidhi in Maharashtra / Programme Evaluation Organisation, Planning Commission Govt. of India

- International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade : end of decade review (as at December 1990) (The) (World Health Organization)

- Lucknow urban development project : an approach document / Lucknow Development Authority

- Preliminary investigations into the use of atomised sprays for handwashing and showering / T.C. Porter and M.E. Rump (Building Research Establishment Note)

- Project completion report: India: Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Project (loan 2329-IN) (World Bank)

- Racing alone: a visionary architect's quest for houses made with earth and fire / Nader Khalili (advertisement brochure for a book, including text of introduction; actual book in CCA collection)

- Reflexiones sobre el tema de la vivienda (CENAC)

- Report on toilet units / J.W. Grainge and J.W. Slupsky

- Technology development for a zero-gravity whole body shower / A.A. Rosener [and 5 others]

- Urban sector survey: Republic of Zambia (World Bank), v. 1-2

- Workshop on implications of the recommendations of National commission on urbanisation on planning practice and education / Department of Urban and Regional Planning, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
Reference number:


Materiel in this project series was kept in its original order during processing.
Language of material:
  • English.
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Mandarin
  • Punjabi

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