Permanent files for various projects
17 files- Permant Files, Arthur Erickson Architects, (1974-1988). Includes:
Granville Waterfront Interchange (August 1974);
Vancouver Art Gallery (November 1977);
Montiverdi Estates (1979);
Islamic University of Medina (March 1980);
Museum of Anthropology Expansion (February 1981);
Arabian Gulf University Project (February 1981);
SANCST Science Halls (1982);
King Saud University (1983);
Etisalat Head Office Building (1985);
Shanghai Culture and Arts Centre (June 1987);
Kuwait University New Campus (1987);
GHC Central Specialty Center South (1988);
Museum of Anthropology Expansion, for the Koerner Ceramica Collection (June 1988).
- Files are housed in 1 box.
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