Documentation and research relating to various projects, proposals and studies by Erickson/Massey Architects
Documentation and research relating to various projects, proposals and studies by Erickson/Massey Architects, includes: Stadhuis City Hall, Artaban, Banff School of Fine Arts, B.C. Research Council, Beaulieu Estates, Vancouver Botanical Gardens (proposal), British Virgin Islands (survey maps), Computime Canada Computer Centre, Dilworth, False Creek Development, F.P.19 Hostel, Federated Investments building, Goda, Alta Lake, Harbour Park, Nanaimo Marathon, Massey College, Mendel Gallery, Mitchell House, Osaka Competition presentation, Playhouse Theatre Co. (proposal), Russell and Dumoulin interiors, Sengara Residence, Simon Fraser University (men's residences, water tower section and construction plans), Simons, Skrog building, Standard Oil station airport, Staples House, traffic study, U.P.I. Hotel, Woodcraft Estates.
The negatives are in a metal file box.
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