Project information sheets, photographs, and some newspaper clippings on various housing projects
6 project documentation binders filed under "Housing." Includes project information sheets, photographs, presentation negatives, presentation positives, presentation slides and some newspaper clippings and printed material for: Manoah Village, Ivy Development (1969); Oppenheimer Lodge (1971); King's Landing (1981);Trump Condominiums and Hotel (1982); Grouse Mountain Ski Condomuniums (1971); Ghajere Ski Condominiums (1975); Noel Developments - 1285 West Pender St. (1984); Hearthstone Condominiums (1979); Songhers Family Townhouses and Seniors Tower (1984); 1300 West Pender Streee (ca. 1991); 1800 West Georgia Street (ca. 1991); Station Hill (1989).
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