Seven versions of the animation module with a readme file identifying the version used at the CCA
This group contains 7 versions of the animation module, each of which was stored in its own subdirectory. The 7 subdirectories were called "CCA", "CCA_08_beta, "CCA_11b", "CCA_12a", "CCA_13", "CCA_13b" and "CCA_calibration_beta". All of the original folders except "CCA" were compressed. A readme file stored at the same level as the 7 subdirectories indicates that version 13b was used at the CCA in October 2006. This version "13b" may in fact refer to the "CCA" subdirectory rather than the "CCA_13b" subdirectory. The readme file in the "CCA" subdirectory identifies the "VE1" application as version "béta 13" and this version appears to have fewer issues than applications in the other 6 modules. The readme files in "CCA_08_beta, "CCA_11b", "CCA_12a", "CCA_13" and "CCA_13b" all identify the application as version "béta 08" and mention several issues with this version. The "CCA_calibration_beta" subdirectory contains only 1 .mp3 file and the application in this module is identified as a development version with many issues to resolve. "CCA_calibration_beta" contains the only version of the "VE1" application that runs without access to the database. Two of the subdirectories contain .png images of a exterior perspective view of the room containing the sensors. Original directory name: "Programmes Rham". Prevalent file types: .swf, .mp3, .exe, .txt, .png, .html, .jpg
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