Photographic documentation for various projects
ca. 1977-1989
Labeled, "Promotion Project Slides M-Z." Includes photographic materials for: Madinah Residential Complex and Shopping Mall, Mangaf Beach, Metrorail Stations, Los Angeles, Marriot Hotel Warner Center, New Westminster Quay, Red Deer Arts Centre, Prince Sulaiman Courts, Pudget Sound Residence, Roy Thompson Hall, Saskatoon City Hospital, Sawaber Housing Development, Shanghai Culture and Arts Centre, Shannon Mews,Tanjung Batu Coastal Reserve, Teck Mining Group offices, 1301 West Georgia, Vancouver, 1300 West Pender, Vancouver, Tuntex Brisbane, Ulukelang, Malaysia, Water Garden Condominiums, North York, Village Lake Louise, Watiah Housing, Kuwait City, Yorkdale Subway Station and West Seattle freeway study.
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