Views of the garden and International Exhibition of the Royal Horticultural Society, South Kensington, London, England
published 1863
Albumen silver prints
album: 30.3 x 23.7 x 3.0 cm
- Contemporary binding consists of full green cloth-covered boards and spine with gilt lettering, decorative gilt trim, and pink endpapers.
Inscribed; stamped - Friedman/ Yale/ Color printing/ #115 ( inpencil, in unknown hand,on front end paper, recto, UR) stamped - Treu UndFest/Adieu Droit/ET Mon/The/Book/of the/Royal/Horticultural/ Society/R.H.S./Inst./Mar VII/2804/ London / Bradbury & Evans ( in gilt and raisedlettering with gilt outline, on spine rect, UC, C, LC)
Kensington and Chelsea; London; England; United
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