Working files, project files, and travel documents from Erickson's office
circa 2000-2005
35 files - Group contains subject working files, project files, travel documents and professional organizations. Files are generally organized alphabetically, R-V and include: RAIC Foundation; Royal Canadian Academy of Arts; Reddy Residence; Royal Institute of British Architects; Robson Square 2008, 2010; Robson Revitalization, New Developments and Redemiation; Roy Thompson Hall; Simon Fraser University 40th Anniversary, Gymnasium and Fitness Centre, Housing, Village; St. Paul Project; Shanghai/Keller/Lee; Shanghai Office (agreement); Shimao Nanjing Project; Shunyi Xiang Xie Garden Villa; Squamish Road, Wolfgang Richter; Sustainability - Ecology; Trips 2002-2006; UBC - University Boulevard design Competition; UNA of Canada (September 2006 event); U.S. Architects Practice - Act and Licenses; Vancouver Aids Memorial; Vancouver Arts Awards 2004; Visa and Photos.
"Current Files: Arthur Charles Erickson - Nick Milkovich Architects"
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