Correspondence, project files from Erickson's office
46 files - Group contains subject and project files, many relating to Arthur Erickson Architectural Corporation, Vancouver. Files are arranged alphabetically (D-Z) and include: Dance Center; Ferris, MO; Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation; Greater Vancouver Transportation Centre; Hangzhou; I.A.A.; Iraq claim; Indonesia; Keller; Kitimat; Kirkor Architects; Kuwait; Michigan House; NATO; PEMB; Photographers; Potential Projects; Proposals; Qatar; Qui, Kang; Qui, Jiang; Presentations; Robson Revitalization; Saudi Embassy, Ottawa; SFU Housing; Silverlink; Sitkum Loidge, Victoria; Stichler; Stockton & Bush; Streetcars; Social Correspondence; Technical info; "New Modernist Group" - Richard Snibbe; Tokyo Embassy; Transvision; UBC Pres. Committee; University of Guelph; U.S. Immigration - Arthur; Walter/Mills Residence; Wang, A; Washington Chancery; Zecha Holdings.
7 ink on tracing paper
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