Presentation slides for various housing projects
2 binders - presentation slides for projects filed under, "Housing." Contains hotels, condominiums and apartments. Includes: C.P. Hotel, Hotel and Convention Centre, Victoria, B.C., Madinah Hotel/Residential Development, Georgian Court Hotel, Stockton Street Hotel, Warner Center Marriot Hotel, Criswell Hotel, Winter Garden, Anchorage, Alaska, Garmisch Resort and Hotel, Tokyo Hotel, Whistler B.C., Laurel Point Inn, Prince Courts Condominiums, Ukay Club Villas, Ampang Hilir Condominiums, Noel Developments Offices and Residential, 1800 West Georgia Street, 1300 West Pender Street, Mikage Housing, 1301 West Georgia Street. Also includes projects lists (1956-1990).
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