Various awards and honours
File contains awards and honours in recognition of Arthur Erickson or his firms Erickson/Massey Architects, Arthur Erickson Architects or Arthur Erickson Corporation. Includes: National Design Award from the Canadian Housing Design Council for 5185 Keith Road, W. Vancouver and 3281 W. 35 Avenue, Vancouver (1964), Associate Member of the American Hospital Association (1975), Qualification to practice architecture in the state of New York (1979), Honorary Fellowship from the American Institute of Architects (1978), Charter Member of the American Planning Association (1978), Honorary Doctor of Laws from the University of Manitoba (1978), Festival of Architecture Honor Awards for Eppich House, Robson Square/The Law Courts, Habitat Pavilion, Sikh Temple and Museum of Anthropology (1980), Governor General's Medal for Architecture for the Yorkdale Rapit Transit Station, Certification of Practice firn the California State Boad of Architectural Examiners (1981), Second Prize in the Concours Europeen Cembureau for Napp Laboratories (1985), President's Award for Excellence from The American Society of Landscape Architects for Robson Square - first phase, Citation confered upon Cornelia Oberlander from the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects for the landscape architecture of the Canadian Chancery (1991), Award for Excellence in the graphic representation of architecture for the Hotel and Convention Centre and Malaysiana (1993), Honorary Member Diploma from La Sociedad de Arquitectos Mexicanos (1993), architectural licence from the National Council of Architecturall Registration Boards (1994).
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