Mostly correspondence regarding conferences, talks and seminars given by Abalos & Herreros
2004-2005, predominant 2005
File's title: Invitaciónes Iñaki + Confenias / A&H 2005 B.1. Conferencias 2005 (Administración invitaciones)
List of conferences, talks and/or seminars:
- Tres proyectos en la costa (Porto, Portugal);
- Architetture pittoresche sulle coste spagnole (Università di Venezia, Venice, Italy);
- La Ciudad azul (Seminario Atlantico de Pensamiento, Las Palmas, Spain);
- Every work of Abalos & Herreros is a skyscraper" (Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, United States);
- Unknown conference/talk/seminar (College of Architecture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Lincoln, Nebraska, United States);
- Madrid posible (COAM, Madrid, Spain).
The documents are in English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
records: 0,02 l.m.
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