Reference materials, clippings, correspondence, presentation drawings, etc. regarding courses and conferences by Abalos & Herreros at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid and the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
2001-2002, 2004
File's title: A&H 2001/2002 2.1. Educativo A. [illegible] VIC / UIC 2001-2.
List of courses, conferences, talks and/or seminars:
- 5° Curso PFC (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya);
- Madrid Verde (E.T.S. Arquitectura Madrid);
- Congreso de Galería y revistas experimentales de arquitectura
- [...]
Contains as well presentation drawings possibly by a student.
records: 0,02 l.m.
- The plans are folded.
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