Mexico; Palenque; Pre-Columbian buildings
24 autotype gravure plates and 33 photographic images
album: 33.0 x 51.0 x 1.0 cm
- Contemporary binding consists of grey paper cover with green imitation leather spine, black lettering and decoration on cover.
Inscribed; stamped - Biologia Centrali-Americana;/or/Contributions to the knowledge/ of the/ Fauna and Flora/ of / Mexico and Central America/ edited by/ F. Ducane Godman and Osbert Salvin/ Archaeology/ BY A.P. Maudslay/ Contents/vol.ov. plates XXV-XLVIII/London/Published for the editors by/ R.H. Porter 7 Princes Street, Caubnixsh Square, W.,/adn/Dulau & Co., Soho Square W. (printed in black ink, front cover); part VII (plates)][September 1896.(printed in black ink, front cover TL & TR recto); (Scattered pencil notations). stamped - Bureau of / American Ethnology/1899/ Library ( stamped in red ink, in red border with) 8368 (stamped in black at C).
Palenque; Mexico;
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