Artist book, I Conti di Zeno, featuring a catalogue (registrare) of Zeno's belongings, home and life for Zeno, une cultura autosufficiente [Zeno, a self-sufficient culture]
Ordered alphabetically, and typed and drawn on what appear to be address book pages, this highly interesting book documents Poli's fascination with all elements of Zeno's life. Includes sketches and collages of physical objects such as leaves, olives, and bread.
Sketchbook with notes and sketches in ink and collage of organic material on paper
book: 30 × 29 × 4 cm (11 13/16 × 11 7/16 × 1 9/16 in.)
This book has been temporarily removed for conservation purposes. Binder and pages were seperated.
© Alessandro Poli
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