Microstation and AutoCAD blueprints, as-built, elevations, and other drawings by Morphosis Architects and engineers for Hypo Alpe-Adria Center
12 July 2000 - 2 July 2003
Original directory names: "HYP_CD4_Part1_09_16_03_DGN" and "HYP_CD7_09_16_2003_Sent_Received2_Defaults". Most common file formats: Unidentified, Microstation CAD Drawing, Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII), Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook (xls), Bentley V8 DGN.
Files ending with certain file extensions (.bse, .poc, .poc2) are native to Microstation. The .bse files are base files containing line drawings, and the .poc and .poc2 files are poché files which layer colors, textures, and patterns over the base files.
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