Published and unpublished papers (folder 1 of 4)
File was originally housed in a binder along with content arranged in AP206.S2.057, AP206.S2.058 and AP206.S2.059. This file includes the following papers:
"The Courtyard," 1982
"The Cantilever," 1982
"Some Home Truths," 1982
"Czech Graphics," newspaper article, 1982
"City Garbageful," newspaper article, 1982
"Space? Sea? and Surrealism," 1982
"A Report on the Visits by the Visiting Boards of the Commonwealth Association of Architects"
"54th Annual All India Art Exhibition 1982 of the All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society, New Delhi comes to Chandigarh in the Govt. Museum," 1982
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