Published and unpublished papers (folder 1 of 3)
File was originally housed in a binder along with content arranged in AP206.S2.073 and AP206.S2.074. This file includes the following papers:
"Working with Le Corbusier," 1998
"How Chandigarh got Built"
"Jane B. Drew," 1996
"Art as I see it," 1993
"Civilization, Art, Religion"
Letters to newspaper editors, 1995
Newspaper articles and Aditya Prakash's response to them
Newspaper articles by Aditya Prakash, 1993-1994
Urdu poetry
"Modernity in Modern Homes," 1994
"The 'Neem' Soap"
"A New Capital for Haryana"
"Trishanku," 1993
"Oh! To be Equal"
"Solar Passive/Active Architecture"
"Human Habitat: Environmental Issues and Strategies"
"The Maximum and the Minimum"
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