Notes and sketches by Melvin Charney on his early works
Sketchbook including notes and sketches of Melvin Charney's early professional activities, related to the following events, locations, and/or projects:
- Youville Square [Place d'Youville];
- Rudolph's parking garage, New Haven
- ACSA conference, June 1964;
- Rue St. Hubert and rue Napoléon, Montreal;
- Le Collège et l'Église de Nominingue, Quebec;
- Sainte-Lucie-des-Laurentides, Quebec;
- Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez, Quebec;
- Saint-Faustin–Lac-Carré, Quebec.
Sketchbook inscribed on inside front cover: 776-6524
book: 20,8 × 13,3 × 1,1 cm
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