Notes and sketches by Melvin Charney on his middle and later works
Ring binder containing notes and sketches related to the following events, locations, and/or projects:
- A museum construction;
- Montreal Museum of Fine Arts;
- New York piece;
- Tryptich;
- Toronto construction;
- Kassel piece;
- Forgotten city series;
- Table and chair;
- CCA garden;
- Settlers square, Calgary;
- In flight ...;
- Square Berri;
- All the riches in the world;
- Canadian tribute to human rights;
- Montreal Museum of Contemporary Art [Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal];
- Hampstead;
- Jerusalem;
- Lenin's tomb;
- Engineer's golems.
book: 29,7 × 27,7 × 5,4 cm
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