Exterior view of the Bauhaus building showing the housing wing of Dessau Technical School and the administration wing through a window, Dessau, Germany
between 1930 and 1933
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 26.4 x 19.4 cm
imprinted - in the image, l.l.: "BERUFSCHULE" [on porch roof above entrance to the Technical School] inscribed - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the print, verso, u.c.: with title stamped - in black ink, on the print, verso, c.: "IWAO YAMAWAKI, ARCHITECT / & / ASSOCIATES / 4-3-24 KOMABA MEGUROKU TOKYO / JAPAN. TELEPHONE 03 - 467 - 1341" [within rectangular stamp]
© Estate of Iwao Yamawaki
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