Perspicax Ingenium, Montréal [?], Québec
case: 28.7 x 16.8 x 4.2 cm
- Photographs PH1989:0014:001-008 are grouped together as a portfolio with title page, introduction, table of contents and text.
imprinted - in black typeface, on the title page, u.c.: with portfolio title; l.c.: "HUIT PHOTOGRAPHIES PAR / ROGER LATOUR"; and b.: "ANNO MCMLXXXVIII"; in the preface, u.c. to l.c.: with introductory text; in table of contents, u.c. to l.c.: with photograph titles; on the last page, u.c.: with text on technique and medium; and l.c.: with edition information inscribed, signed and numbered - by the photographer, in black ink, on the last page, c.r.: " 3 [edition no.; total no. of editions not indicated] / Roger Latour"
Montréal ?; Québec; Canada;
© Roger Latour, 1988
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