Plan for a magazine for storing gunpowder and cannonballs
ca. 1630-1640
Pen and grey ink with pink watercolour over black chalk underdrawing
sheet: 27.7 x 19.7 cm
DR1981:0017:066 V
- This drawing was formerly bound into an album as indicated by the ampersands indicating pagination. There are indentations along the r. edge of the sheet, possibly from previous stitching into a binding. Small holes throughout the sheet were made by compass points or dividers. A partial watermark at the c.r. appears to be the other half of the watermark on DR1981:0017:067.
inscribed - by the draughtsman, in pen and brown ink, t.: "Pianta d'altra Toretta fatta di novo di maggior / grandezza, e comodo per Polvere e Palle / la quale importo di spesa di scudi [...] 4670"; and with further inscriptions throughout identifying parts of building inscribed - by a contemporary hand, in pen and black ink, l.r.: "&&:"
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