Photograph of a longitudinal section for a Red Army Theater, Moscow
after 1931
- Photographs PH1998:0007:001-058 show models and drawings for four different projects and three variations for the decorative scheme for the principal façade for a Red Army Theater in Moscow by Fridman and Glushchenko. Photographs for the four projects include: first project - drawings (PH1998:0007:001-013), a model for the exterior (PH1998:0007:014-020) and a model for the interior (PH1998:0007:021-027); second project - drawings (PH1998:0007:028-040) and a model (PH1998:0007:041-045); third project - a model (PH1998:0007:046-052); fourth project - a model (PH1998:0007:056-058). Photographs for the three variations for the decorative scheme for the principal façade include two elevations for the principal façade (PH1998:0007:053-054) and a perspective drawing (PH1998:0007:055). The model for the exterior and model for the interior for the first project are inscribed with "RKKA" which stands for Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (model for the exterior: PH1998:0007:015-016, PH1998:0007:018-020; model for the interior PH1998:0007:021-022, PH1998:0007:024, PH1998:0007:026-027).
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 17.2 x 23.2 cm
imprinted - in the image, u.l.: "PRODOL'NYI RAZREZ" [LONGITUDINAL SECTION]; l.l.: "M-1:100"; and in various locations: with measurements and specifications inscribed, dated and numbered - by unknown hands, in graphite, on the print, verso, u.l.: "A"; t.: "Glushchenko i Fridman" [Glushchenko and Fridman]; u.c.: with title and "1933"; and u.r.: "N 3" [sideways] stamped and inscribed - in purple ink, on the print, verso, c.: "Pavel Konstantinovich / OLTARZHEVSKII / Adres / Telef."; and by an unknown hand, in graphite: "Strastnaia pl. d 47 kv. 6" [Pavel Konstantinovich / OLTARZHEVSKII / Address Strastnaia sq[uare]. h[ouse] 47 ap[artment]. 6 / Teleph[one]]
Moscow; Russia (Federation);
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