Photographs of perspective drawings for prefabricated housing, Soviet Union
between 1933 and 1938
Gelatin silver prints
page (bound): 35,8 x 46,5 cm comps. (range): 13,1 to 15 x 22,7 to 23,6 cm
- Two rectangular photographs arranged diagonally on album page. A label or other piece of paper was formerly affixed to the u.r. to c. of the secondary support. It has since been torn off, along with the surface layers of the secondary support.
numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the secondary support, u.r.: "16" [within square] imprinted, signed and numbered - in the image, l.l.: "SNK RSFSR GUKKh / GIPROGOR / SEKTSIIA SBORNOGO STROITEL'STVA I PLANIROVKI / PROEKTIROVAL. arkh. S. Lisagor [underlined] [illeg.] signature / two [illeg.] signatures / Zakaz No [vertically]" [S[oviet]P[eople's]C[ommittee] R[ussian]S[oviet]F[ederative]S[ocialist]R[epublic] S[tate]D[irection of]C[ommunal]P[roperty] [?] / S[tate]I[nstitute of]C[ity]D[esign] / DEPARTMENT OF PREFABRICATED CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING / DESIGNED. arch[itect]. S. Lisagor [underlined] [illeg.] signature / two [illeg.] signatures / Order No [vertically]] and l.r.: "SBORNYE DOMA TsENTROZhILSOUZA /Blok 3kh [underlined] komnatnykh / kvartir." [PREFABRICATED HOUSES OF CENTR[al]HOUS[ing]UNION / Block of 3e[underlined] room / apartments." and "KV-1" (PH1998:0013:016:001); l.l.: "SNK RSFSR GUK[Kh] / GIPROGO[R] / [SEKTSIIA SBO]RNOGO STROITEL'STVA I PLAN[IROVKI] / [PROEKTIRO]VAL. V. Leonidov S. Lisagor [underlined] / Za[kaz No] [vertically]" [S[oviet]P[eople's]C[ommittee] R[ussian]S[oviet]F[ederative]S[ocialist]R[epublic] S[tate]D[irection of]C[ommunalP[roperty]] [?] / S[tate]I[nstitute of]C[ityD[esign]] / [DEPARTMENT OF PREF]ABRICATED CONSTRUCTION AND PLAN[NING] / [DESIG]NED. V. Leonidov S. Lisagor [underlined] / Or[der No] [vertically]] (PH1998:0013:016:002)
Russia (Federation) ?;
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