Magazine clippings showing development schemes for the Ufa region, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Soviet Union (now Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia)
between 1931 and 1933
Relief halftones
page (bound): 35,8 x 46,5 cm pages (range; clippings): 11,2 to 19,3 x 9,3 to 22 cm
- Five magazine clippings arranged on the periphery of album page. The u.l. corner of the album page has been torn off.
numbered - by unknown hands, in graphite, on clippings, u.r.: "1" [circled] (PH1998:0013:024:001); u.r.: "2" [circled] (PH1998:0013:024:002); u.r.: "3" [circled] (PH1998:0013:024:003); u.l.: "5" [circled] (PH1998:0013:024:004); c.r.: "4" [circled] (PH1998:0013:024:005); and on the secondary support, u.r.: "24" [within square] imprinted and numbered - in the magazine clippings, throughout: with explications and specifications (PH1998:0013:024:001 - PH1998:0013:024:003 and PH1998:0013:024:005); throughout: with article text; and l.l.: with list of authors including "Rukovoditel' rabot - prof.-arkh. Ginzburg, M.Ia. / Starshie arkhitektory po planirovke: Vegman G.G., Lisagor S. A. [underlined in pen and purple ink]" [Head of works - prof[essor].-arch[itect]. Ginzburg, M.Ia. / Head architects of planning: Vegman G.G., Lisagor S.A. [underlined in pen and purple ink]] (PH1998:0013:024:004); and l.r.: "43" (PH1998:0013:024:005) labelled, imprinted, dated and numbered - in typescript, on paper labels attached to the secondary support, c.l.: "Sovetskaia Arkhitektura"-1933 g.No [sic] 4" [magazine issue]
Ufa; Bashkortostan; Russia (Federation);
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