Photographs of preliminary schemes and interior view of a room showing the preliminary schemes, photographs, and a model for the development of the southern coast of the Crimea, Soviet Union (now in Ukraine)
before 1938
Gelatin silver prints
page (bound): 35,8 x 46,5 cm comps. (range; irreg.): 5,6 to 21,4 x 15,7 to 43,5 cm
- Two rectangular and one lozenge-shaped photographs arranged on the album page.
numbered - by unknown hands, in graphite, on the print, t.: "1" [circled; with arrows pointing up] (PH1998:0013:036:001); and on the secondary support, c.r.: "36" [within square] imprinted and numbered - in the image, in various locations: with place names (PH1998:0013:036:001); in the image, in various locations: with place names, altitudes and specifications (PH1998:0013:036:002); and in the image, in various locations: with scheme titles and specifications (PH1998:0013:036:003)
Crimea; Ukraine;
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