Adams, Herbert B. (Herbert Baxter), 1850-1901.
Columbus and his discovery of America / by Herbert B. Adams and Henry Wood.
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, [1892]
88 p. ; 25 cm.
Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; 10th ser., 10-11
Columbus, Christopher.
Colomb, Christophe, ca 1451-1506--Discours, essais, conférences.
Discoveries in geography
America Discovery and exploration.
America Discovery and exploration Bibliography.
Amérique Découverte et exploration Bibliographie.
Amérique Découverte et exploration.
Memorials United States.
Memorials West Indies (Federation)
Memorials Mexico.
Memorials South America.
Memorials Europe.
Bibliographies of bibliographies.
Wood, Henry, 1849-1925.
Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; 10th ser., 10-11.
Location: Library main 152598
Call No.: NA9345 .A3 1892
Status: Available
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