Urban Advisors to the Federal Highway Administrator (U.S.), author.
The freeway in the city : principles of planning and design : a report to the Secretary, Dept. of Transportation / by the Urban Advisors to the Federal Highway Administrator.
[Washington, D.C.] : [U.S. Government Printing Office], [1968]
141 pages : illustrations, maps, plans ; 29 cm
Express highways United States Design and construction.
Traffic engineering United States.
Technique de la circulation États-Unis.
Express highways Design and construction.
Traffic engineering.
Forecasts/ Projections.
Land Utilization.
Transportation Planning.
Survey Programs.
Urban/ Town/ City.
Road Geometrics.
Limited-Access Highways/ Controlled-Access Highways.
United States.
Urban transportation.
Illustrated works.
Rapuano, Michael, chairman.
United States. Department of Transportation.
Location: Library main 284822
Call No.: BIB 224044
Status: Available
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