Conference on Environmental Quality and Social Justice (1972 : Woodstock, Ill.)
Environmental quality and social justice in urban America; an exploration of conflict and concord among those who seek environmental quality and those who seek social justice. Edited by James Noel Smith.
Washington, Conservation Foundation [1974]
xii, 145 pages 26 cm
Environmental policy United States Congresses.
Social justice Congresses.
Conservation of natural resources United States Congresses.
Social ecology.
Social Environment
Environnement Politique gouvernementale États-Unis Congrès.
Justice sociale Congrès.
Conservation des ressources naturelles États-Unis Congrès.
Écologie sociale.
human ecology.
Conservation of natural resources
Environmental policy
Social justice
United States
proceedings (reports)
Conference papers and proceedings
Actes de congrès.
Smith, James Noel, editor.
Conservation Foundation.
Location: Library main 45082
Call No.: 6900; ID:89-B4479
Status: Available
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