Langley, Batty, 1696-1751.
A sure method of improving estates : by plantations of oak, elm, ash, beech, and other timber-trees, coppice-woods, &c. wherein is demonstrated, the necessity and advantages thereof ; their manner of raising, cultivating, felling, &c. in all kinds of soils, whereby estates may be greatly improv'd : offered to the consideration of the nobility and gentry of Great-Britain / by Batty Langley.
London : Printed for Francis Clay and Daniel Browne, 1728.
5 preliminary leaves, xx, 274 pages : folded frontispiece ; 20 cm
Tree planting Great Britain Early works to 1800.
Timber Great Britain Early works to 1800.
Shade trees Great Britain Early works to 1800.
Arbres Plantation Grande-Bretagne Ouvrages avant 1800.
Bois d'œuvre Grande-Bretagne Ouvrages avant 1800.
Arbres d'ombrage Grande-Bretagne Ouvrages avant 1800.
Shade trees.
Tree planting.
Great Britain.
Early works.
Clay, Francis, -1738.
Thordarson Collection.
England London.
Goldsmiths'-Kress library of economic literature ; no. 6587.
Location: Library main 2305
Call No.: 6493; ID:87-B11486
Status: Available
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