Tait, Robert, 1891-1964.
Newfoundland; a summary of the history and development of Britain's oldest colony from 1497 to 1939, by R.H. Tait.
[Harrington Park, N.J.], [Harrington Press], [©1939]
260 pages plates, map 19 cm
This book is, "a condensed survey of the history and development of of Newfoundland and Labrador", whose purpose was, "to supplement and bring up to date other material already published and to help towards a more comprehensive and accurate knowledge of Newfoundland and its people; and to furnish a key to the answers to many of the types of inquiries that are directed to the [Newfoundland Information] Bureau". (p.5).
Newfoundland and Labrador History.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Location: Library main canada 7932
Call No.: PO8294 CAN; ID:87-B21123
Status: Available
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