Era of exploration : the rise of landscape photography in the American West, 1860-1885 / Weston J. Naef, in collaboration with James N. Wood ; with an essay by Therese Thau Heyman.
Main entry:

Naef, Weston J., 1942- author.

Title & Author:

Era of exploration : the rise of landscape photography in the American West, 1860-1885 / Weston J. Naef, in collaboration with James N. Wood ; with an essay by Therese Thau Heyman.


Buffalo : Albright-Knox Art Gallery ; Metropolitan Museum of Art, [1975]
Boston : Distributed by New York Graphic Society


260 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 x 31 cm

Published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 256-258) and index.
Landscape consciousness -- Photography and American culture at midcentury -- American landscape and the European antecedents -- Western adventures outdoors -- Photographers in Yosemite 1861-1868 -- Western railroads and the landscape of travel -- Government patronage -- Science, nature, and art -- Photographers, artists, and critics -- The experimental esthetic -- Landscape and the published photograph -- The end of the era -- Chronology -- Carleton E. Watkins, 1829-1916 -- Timothy H. O'Sullivan, about 1840-1882 -- Eadweard J. Muybridge, 1830-1904 -- Andrew Joseph Russell, 1830-1902 -- William Henry Jackson, 1843-1942.

A comprehensive history of American landscape photograph in the West after the invention of wet-colliodion plates presents a view of the philosophical, esthetic and scientific climate that produced a fascination with the West's landscapes and a sophisticated means of recording it. Includes 314 black-and-white photographs.


0870991299 (pbk.)
9780870991295 (pbk.)


Landscape photography West (U.S.)
Landscape photography.
Photographie de paysages.
West (U.S.) Pictorial works.
États-Unis (Ouest) Ouvrages illustrés.
West United States


Landscape photography.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Pictorial works
Catalogues d'exposition.

Added entries:

Wood, James N., author.
Heyman, Therese Thau, contributor.
Buck, Robert T., writer of foreword.
Hoving, Thomas, 1931-2009, writer of foreword.
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, host institution, issuing body.
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), host institution.


Location: Library main 320360
Call No.: 320360
Status: Available


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