Books and printing : a treasury for typophiles / edited by Paul A. Bennett
Main entry:

Bennett, Paul A., 1897-1966, editor.

Title & Author:

Books and printing : a treasury for typophiles / edited by Paul A. Bennett


Rev. ed.


Cleveland : World Pub. Co., [1963]


xv, 430 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm


Forum books

Includes bibliographical references and index.
The story of the alphabet / Otto F. Ege -- Printing, paper and playing cards / Lancelot Hogben -- Colophons / Ruth S. Granniss -- Printers' marks / Edwin Eliott Willoughby -- Title pages: their forms and development / A.F. Johnson -- The first work with American types / Lawrence C. Wroth -- Typographic debut / Ronald B. McKerrow -- Metal-flowers / Edward Rowe Mores -- The history of the invention and progress of the mysterious art of printing &c. / James Watson -- Printers as men of the world / Evelyn Harter -- Are women the natural enemies of books / Anne Lyon Haight -- Printing should be invisible / Beatrice Warde -- The ideal book / Porter Garnett -- Extracts from an investigation into the physical properties of books / W.A. Dwiggins -- Twenty years after / W.A. Dwiggins -- The publisher and the typographer / Desmond Flower -- The anatomy of the book: a symposium / William Dana Orcutt [and others] -- Trade bookmaking: complaint in three dimensions / Robert Josephy -- What is a private press? / Will Ransom -- The trained printer and the amateur: and the pleasure of small books / Alfred W. Pollard -- Some collectors read / Sir Francis Meynell -- Printing for love / Christopher Sandford -- The fun and fury of a private press: some voyages of the Golden Hind / Arthur W. Rushmore -- The fine art of printing / Edwin Grabhorn -- The typography of William Morris / Holbrook Jackson -- First principles of typography / Stanley Morison -- American type designers and their work / Carl Purington Rollins -- Typography / Eric Gill -- Types and type design / Frederic W. Goudy -- The old and the new: a friendly dispute between Juvenis & Senex / Theodore Low De Vinne -- Paragraphs on printing / Bruce Rogers -- B.R. [Bruce Rogers]: adventurer with type ornament / Paul A. Bennett -- Some tendencies in modern typography / Daniel Berkeley Updike -- The amateur printer: his pleasures and his duties / Peter Beilenson -- Harsh words / T.M. Cleland -- A comparison of calligraphy & lettering / Oscar Ogg -- Typography for the twentieth-century reader / Aldous Huxley -- Notes on modern printing / Merle Armitage -- Benjamin Franklin: printer and publisher / John T. Winterich -- The book & job print / Earnest Elmo Calkins -- Author and printer: G.B.S. and R. & R.C. [George Bernard Shaw and R. & R. Clark]: 1898-1948 / James Shand -- On type faces for books / Paul A. Bennett -- Notes on the type faces used in this book / Paul A. Bennett.




Added entries:

Bennett, Paul A., 1897-
Forum books.


Location: Library main 100767
Call No.: ID Z4.B46; ID:94-B1281
Status: Available


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