McGrath, P. T. (Patrick Thomas), Sir, 1868-1929.
Newfoundland in 1911, being the coronation year of King George V. and the opening of the second decade of the twentieth century. By P.T. McGrath.
London, Whitehead, Morris & Co., 1911.
271 pages frontispiece, plates, portraits 22 cm
McGrath's objective in writing this book is to provide readers with a better understanding of Britain's oldest colony, appealing especially to those considering visiting to hunt and fish as well as to potential investors in Newfoundland's future. McGrath discusses the history of the island, important people, places and events, as well as Newfoundland's economy, industries and her future potential.
Newfoundland and Labrador.
Canada, Newfoundland History.
Souvenir publications.
Location: Library main canada 181598
Call No.: FC2167.4 .M3 1911
Status: Available
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