The politics of technology / edited by Godfrey Boyle, David Elliott, and Robin Roy.
Title & Author:

The politics of technology / edited by Godfrey Boyle, David Elliott, and Robin Roy.


New York : Longman, 1977.


xiv, 351 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm


Open University set book

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Section 1. Social control of technology. Technology on trial / François Hetman ; Social control and social responsibility in science and technology / Shivaji Lal ; Social control of technology / David Elliott and Ruth Elliott ; The more effective political control of technical change / Roger Williams ; Contradictions of science and technology in the productive process / Mike Cooley ; Needs / Ken Coates ; Social aspects of the environmental crisis / Barry Commoner ; The entropy state / Hazel Henderson -- Section 2. Government and technology. Aspects of public policy for innovation / Christopher Freeman ; Government and high technology / John Jewkes ; Monitoring technical projects / The Council for Science and Society ; Legal frameworks for the assessment and control of technology / Laurence H. Tribe ; The politics of selecting candidate technologies for assessment / Marlan Blissett ; Limitations of technology assessment / David Elliott and Ruth Elliott ; Technology assessment and social control / Michael S. Baram -- Section 3. Public involvement in technology. Technical power and people / Tony Benn ; Science, technology and democracy / Leslie Sklair ; Why public participation is essential in technology assessment / Joseph F. Coates ; The political impact of technical expertise / Dorothy Nelkin ; The consumer movement and technological change / Jeremy Mitchell ; Technology and trade union control / David Elliott and Ruth Elliott ; Is greater citizen participation in planning possible and desirable? / Stuart Umpleby ; A ladder of citizen participation / Sherry R. Arnstein. Section 4. Decentralisation and community technology. Neighborhood technology / David Morris and Karl Hess ; The changing market place / Barry Stein ; Small industries and industrial villages / Colin Ward ; Autonomy / Peter Harper ; Alternative technology : possibilities and limitations / Entemann et al. -- Section 5. A guide to the literature. A guide to the literature / Robin Roy -- Biographical notes -- Index.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP25.00 0.



Technology Social aspects.
Technologie Aspect social.
Technique Aspect social.
Politique technologique.
Technological development Social aspects

Added entries:

Boyle, Godfrey.
Elliott, David, 1943-
Roy, Robin.
Open University set book.


Location: Library main 289380
Call No.: BIB 231795
Status: Available


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