Qatar, a forward looking country with centuries old traditions = Qatar, pays du futur aux traditions millénaires = Qatar, land voller zukunst und jahrtausendealter traditionen / [photos, Gérard Bernard] ; traduction Anglais, M. Mowbray ; traduction Allemand, Mme Lettman.
éditions delroisee.
Boulogne, France : [Editions Delroisse for the Ministry of Information, Qatar], [1973?]
180 pages : chiefly color illustrations ; 28 cm
Qatar Description and travel.
Gérard, Bernard, active 1973- photographer.
Mowbray, M., translator.
Lettman, Mme., translator.
Qatar. Wizārat al-Iʻlām, publisher.
Qatar, pays du futur aux traditions millénaires
Qatar, land voller zukunst und jahrtausendealter traditionen
Location: Library main 255686
Call No.: DS247.Q32 Q3 1973
Status: Available
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