Bolsterli, Margaret Jones.
The early community at Bedford Park : "corporate happiness" in the first garden suburb / by Margaret Jones Bolsterli.
[Athens] : Ohio University Press, ©1977.
xii, 136 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm
Garden suburbs England London Case studies.
Cités-jardins Angleterre Cas, Études de.
Banlieues-jardins Angleterre Londres Études de cas.
Garden suburbs.
Social conditions
Bedford Park (London, England) Social conditions.
London Region (England) Social conditions Case studies.
Bedford Park, Angleterre Conditions sociales.
Londres, Agglomération de (Angleterre)
Bedford Park (Londres, Angleterre) Conditions sociales.
England London.
England London Bedford Park.
England London Region.
Case studies.
Location: Library main 66424
Call No.: 6061; ID:85-B9554
Status: Available
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