Beckwith, John, 1918-1991, author.
Early Christian and Byzantine art / John Beckwith.
Second edition.
Harmondsworth, England ; New York : Penguin Books, 1979.
405 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
The Pelican history of art
"The appreciation of early Christian and Byzantine Art as a sublime expression of religious thought and feeling is a comparatively modern phenomenon. Byzantine art is both static and dynamic: static in the sense that once an image was established it was felt that no improvement was necessary; dynamic in the sense that there was never one style and these styles or modes were constantly changing. The story is not only complex in its unravelling but ranges widely over various media: mosaic, wall painting and painted panels, sculpture in marble and ivory, manuscript illumination, gold, silver, and precious stones, jewellery, silk, and rich vestments. This enthralling account by a gifted medieval art-historian should remain a standard work for many years to come." -- Back cover
Art, Early Christian.
Art, Byzantine.
Christian art and symbolism.
Art paléochrétien.
Art byzantin.
Christliche Kunst
Byzantinisches Reich
Römisches Reich
book jackets.
Paper (fibre product) boards (binding components)
Pelican history of art.
Location: Library main 183076
Call No.: PO1754; ID:85-B6398
Status: Available
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