The Rouge, the image of industry in the art of Charles Sheeler and Diego Rivera.
Detroit : Detroit Institute of Arts, [1978]
96 pages : illustrations (black and white), portraits ; 24 x 29 cm
Exhibition explores the use of the Ford Motor Company's Rouge complex by the artists Charles Sheeler (1883-1956) and Diego Rivera (1886-1957). Catalogue includes black-and-white photographs of industrial buildings and related transport infrastructure as well as photographs of the artists working.
Sheeler, Charles, 1883-1965 Exhibitions.
Rivera, Diego, 1886-1957 Exhibitions.
Rivera, Diego, 1886-1957
Sheeler, Charles, 1883-1965
Ford Motor Company. Rouge River Plant In art Exhibitions.
Ford Motor Company. Rouge River Plant
Industries in art Exhibitions.
Industrie dans l'art Expositions.
Industries in art
Ford Motor Company Rouge River Plant In art Exhibitions
Rivera, Diego 1886-1957 Exhibitions
Sheeler, Charles 1883-1965 Exhibitions
Exhibition catalogues.
Exhibition catalogs.
Sheeler, Charles, 1883-1965.
Rivera, Diego, 1886-1957.
Detroit Institute of Arts, host institution.
Location: Library main 295073
Call No.: BIB 240983
Status: Available
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