Kertész, André, photographer.
André Kertész : a lifetime of perception / introduction by Ben Lifson ; photograph editor, Jane Corkin.
First edition.
New York : Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1982.
259 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 30 cm
"This unique retrospective volume celebrates the seventy years of Kertesz' photographic career, from his youth in his native Hungary, through an exciting and fruitful decade in Paris, to his American period in Greenwich Village, where he has lived for the past forty-five years. It presents 150 insightful and penetrating images, including 60 photographs never before published and some 40 taken within the last ten years. While the subjects of his images are varied, ranging from portraits and scenes of World War I to still lifes, landscapes, and cityscapes, Kertesz' personal, poetic style reamins constant."--book jacket.
Kertész, André.
Photography, Artistic.
Photographie artistique.
art photography.
Lifson, Ben, writer of introduction.
Corkin, Jane, editor.
Harry N. Abrams, Inc., publisher.
Lifetime of perception
Location: Library main 8345
Call No.: PO13227; ID:87-B1323
Status: Available
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