Herwig, Christopher, photographer.
Soviet bus stops. Volume II / Christopher Herwig ; essay by Owen Hatherly.
London : Fuel, 2017.
191 pages : color illustrations, 1 color map ; 17 x 21 cm
Photographer Christopher Herwig has covered more than 30,000km by car, bike, bus and taxi in 13 former Soviet countries discovering and documenting these unexpected treasures of modern art. From the shores of the Black Sea to the endless Kazakh steppe, these bus stops show the range of public art from the Soviet era and give a rare glimpse into the creative minds of the time. Includes an article by British writer Owen Hatherley.
Sovetskaja Associacija Meždunarodnogo Prava
Bus stops Former Soviet republics Design and construction Pictorial works.
Bus stops Former Soviet republics Pictorial works.
Bus stops Russia Pictorial works.
Bus stops Ukraine Crimea Pictorial works.
Bus stops Georgia (Republic) Pictorial works.
Bus stops Ukraine Design and construction Pictorial works.
Architectural photography.
Photography, Artistic.
Arrêts d'autobus Ex-URSS Ouvrages illustrés.
Arrêts d'autobus Russie Ouvrages illustrés.
Arrêts d'autobus Ukraine Crimée Ouvrages illustrés.
Arrêts d'autobus Géorgie (République) Ouvrages illustrés.
Photographie d'architecture.
Photographie artistique.
art photography.
Bus stops
Bus stops Design and construction
Photographie urbaine.
Arrêts d'autobus URSS.
Former Soviet republics Buildings, structures, etc. Pictorial works.
F.d. Sovjetrepubliker.
Ex-URSS Constructions Ouvrages illustrés.
Ukraine Crimea
Georgia (Republic)
Soviet Union Former Soviet republics
URSS Républiques.
Illustrated works
Livres de photographies.
Hatherley, Owen, writer of added text.
Sovetskie avtobusnye ostanovki. Tom II
Location: Library main y 296730
Call No.: BIB 243078
Status: Available
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