Piggott, Stuart.
Scotland before history / Stuart Piggott ; with a gazetteer of ancient monuments by Graham Ritchie.
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, ©1982.
vii, 195 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm
0852243480 (pbk.)
9780852243480 (pbk.)
Prehistoric peoples Scotland.
Sociétés préhistoriques Écosse.
Prehistoric peoples
Archäologisches Denkmal
Vor- und Frühgeschichte
Scotland Antiquities.
Écosse Antiquités.
11030 civilization Scottish prehistoric
Man, Prehistoric Scotland
Ritchie, J. N. G. (James Neil Graham)
Location: Library main 38392
Call No.: PO1811; ID:88-B9233
Status: Available
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