Jim Stirling and the red trilogy : three radical buildings / edited by Alan Berman.
Title & Author:

Jim Stirling and the red trilogy : three radical buildings / edited by Alan Berman.


1st Frances Lincoln ed.


London : Frances Lincoln, 2010.


160 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 30 cm

Includes contributions by Alan Berman, Alan Powers, Robert Maxwell, John McKean, William Fawcett, Eva Jiřičná, Mark Cannata, Richard Rogers, Alan Stanton, Will Alsop, Norman Foster, Sunand Prasad, Richard MacCormac, Peter Ahrends, Ian Ritchie, John Tuomey, Peter St John, Ted Cullinan, M.J. Long, Edward Jones, Spencer de Grey, Glen Howells, Bob Allies, Patrick Lynch, Graham Haworth, Shane de Blacam, John Allan, Sarah Wigglesworth, and David Kohn.
Includes bibliographical references (page 158) and index.
British Modern Architecture before Stirling and Gowan / Alan Powers -- Stirling Before Leicester / Robert Maxwell -- Understanding the Engineering Department, Leicester / Alan Berman -- Understanding the History Facult, Cambridge / William Fawcett -- Understanding the Florey Building, Oxford / Alan Berman -- Building the Future: challenges and failures of post-war technology / Alan Berman -- `Why do architects love these buildings?' -- A Difficult Reconciliation / Alan Berman.

9780711231443 (hbk.)
0711231443 (hbk.)


Stirling, James (James Frazer)
Leicester University Engineering Building.
University of Cambridge. History Faculty Building.
Florey Building (Oxford, England)
Universities (buildings) Great Britain England 1950-1970.
Universities (buildings) Great Britain England Leicester 1950-1970.
Universities (buildings) Great Britain England Cambridge 1960-1970.
Universities (buildings) Great Britain England Oxford 1960-1970.
Dormitories (buildings) Great Britain England Oxford 1960-1970.

Added entries:

Berman, Alan (Alan J.)
Ahrends, Peter.
Allan, John, 1945-
Allies, Bob, 1953-
Alsop, Will.
Cannata, Mark, 1972-
Cullinan, Edward.
De Blacam, Shane, 1945-
De Grey, Spencer.
Fawcett, William.
Foster, Norman, 1935-
Haworth, Graham, 1960-
Howells, Glen, 1961-
Jiricna, Eva, 1939-
Jones, Edward, 1939-
Kohn, David, 1972-
Long, M. J., 1939-
Lynch, Patrick, 1969-
MacCormac, Richard, 1938-2014.
Maxwell, Robert, 1922-2020.
McKean, John, 1943-
Powers, Alan, 1955-
Prasad, Sunand.
Ritchie, Ian, 1947-
Rogers, Richard, 1933-2021.
Stanton, Alan, 1944-
St. John, Peter, 1959-
Tuomey, John, 1954-
Wigglesworth, Sarah.

Three radical buildings


Location: Library main 269986
Call No.: NA44.J29.9 J5 2010
Status: Available


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