Addressing your housing needs : how can we help you better?.
[Ottawa] : CMHC, [1990]
22, 22 pages ; 28 cm
This paper is about government efforts to meet the shelter needs of rural low-income off-reserve Native and non-Native households.
Rural and Native Housing Program (Canada)
Housing, Rural Canada.
Indians of North America Housing Canada.
Housing Resident satisfaction Canada.
Indigenous peoples Housing Canada
Housing demand Canada.
Native housing Canada.
Logement rural Canada.
Logement Satisfaction des occupants Canada.
Housing Resident satisfaction
Housing, Rural
Indians of North America Housing
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
Minimum Cost Housing Group fonds.
Vos besoins de logement : comment pouvons-nous vous aider davantage ?
Rural and native housing consultation paper
Document de consultation sur le logement pour les ruraux et les autochtones
Location: Library main 299898
Call No.: BIB 246051
Status: Available
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