Berkel, Ben van, 1957- interviewee, architect.
Ben van Berkel and Greg Lynn discuss Erasmus Bridge / editor, Greg Lynn.
Montréal, Québec : Canadian Centre for Architecture, [2016]
1 online resource : illustrations (chiefly color), facsimiles, plans.
Archaeology of the digital ; 13
Greg Lynn and Ben van Berkel discuss the Erasmus Bridge, a large-scale infrastructural project that saw innovative use of digital files as tools for design and sites of communication. This is part of the CCA multi-year research project Archaeology of the Digital, investigating the development and use of computers in architecture.
Architecture Data processing.
Architecture and technology.
Bridges Netherlands Rotterdam.
Ordinateurs Architecture.
Architecture et technologie.
Ponts Pays-Bas Rotterdam.
Erasmusbrug (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Erasmusbrug (Rotterdam, Pays-Bas)
Netherlands Rotterdam
Netherlands Rotterdam Erasmusbrug
Bridges (built works) Netherlands Rotterdam 1990-2000.
Lynn, Greg editor, interviewer.
Van Berkel & Bos Architectuurbureau (Amsterdam, Netherlands), architect.
Centre canadien d'architecture, issuing body.
Archaeology of the digital (Series) ; 13.
Erasmus Bridge
Location: Library study room tablet 300063
Call No.: 300063
Status: Available
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