Vandkunsten Architects.
Renovation & transformation : Vandkunsten Architects / [Anne-Mette Manelius (ed.)].
Stockholm : Arvinius+Orfeus Publishing AB, 2018.
93 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans ; 23 cm
Vandkunsten magazine
'Renovation & Transformation' is a new book from Vandkunsten Architects. It covers nine current renovation projects in the form of renovations of monotonous concrete buildings, transformations of so-called 'ghetto areas', large-scale renovations of 1001 sheds with focus on process and recycling, as well as business- and cultural houses that are transformed and upgraded to new and longer lives. Each project is presented with a short text, images, illustrations and drawings. The book is part of a series of publications about the current projects of the studio, which are representative of its work throughout the years. Its intention is to inspire others in the business - architects, builders, advisors, students, and so on - through a somewhat more in-depth introduction to some of the projects of the studio.
9789187543715 (paperback)
9187543710 (paperback)
Vandkunsten Architects.
Architecture Conservation and restoration Denmark.
Architecture Conservation et restauration Danemark.
Architecture Conservation and restoration.
Manelius, Anne-Mette.
Renovation and transformation
Location: Library main 307780
Call No.: BIB 253263
Status: Available
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