My Bauhaus : 100 architects on the 100th anniversary of a myth = Mein Bauhaus : 100 Architekten zum 100. Geburtstag eines Mythos / Sandra Hofmeister (ed.).
Title & Author:

My Bauhaus : 100 architects on the 100th anniversary of a myth = Mein Bauhaus : 100 Architekten zum 100. Geburtstag eines Mythos / Sandra Hofmeister (ed.).


First edition = Erste Auflage.


Munich : Edition Detail, [2018]


240 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans ; 24 cm


DETAIL Special

A school of life -- 3XN Architects -- 6a Architects -- a l m project -- ACDF Architecture -- Agence rudy Ricciotti -- Alberto Campo Baeza -- Anna Heringer Architecture -- Anupama Kundoo Architects -- Anzilutti / Mendiondo / Garrido / Cairoli Arquitectos -- architecten de vylder vinck taillieu -- Architekt Krischanitz -- Assemble Studio -- Atelier Bow-Wow -- Atelier Kempe Thill -- Atelier Mendini -- Atelier Paul Laurendeau -- Auböck + Kárász Landschaftsarchitekten -- Autoban Studio -- Balkrishna Doshi -- Barkow Leibinger -- Barthélémy Griño Architectes -- Benhnisch Architekten -- bogevischs büro -- Boltshauser Architekten -- Bruno Fioretti Marquez Architekten -- Büro Ole Scheereen -- Cebra -- Coop Himmelb(l)au --Delugan Meissl Associated Architects -- Diener & Diener Architekten -- Dietrich Untertrifaller Architekten -- Dominique Coulon & Associés -- Dominique Perrault Architecture -- Dorte Mandrup -- Eva Jiřičná -- FAR frohn&rojas -- Feichtinger Architectes -- Flores & Prats Architectes -- Florian Busch Architects -- Foster + Partners -- Goetz Castorph Architekten und Stadtplaner -- Gonzalez Haase atelier architecture & scenographie -- Grafton Architects -- Gregotti Associati -- Henning Larsen -- Hermann Czech Architekt -- Hild und K Architekten -- Igenhoven Architects -- Ippolito Fleitz Group -- John Pawson -- Kaan Architecten -- kadawittfeld-architektur -- Kimmel Eshkolot Architects -- Landau Kindelbacher -- Lissoni Associati -- LRO Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei -- Marie-José Van Hee Architecten -- Massimiliano Fuksas -- Matteo Thun & Partners -- meck architekten -- Michael Maltzan Architecture -- Michele De Lucchi -- Miralles Tagliabue EMBT -- Monia Armani -- Morphosis -- Murman Arkitekter -- Nagler Architekten -- Neri & Hu Design and Research Office -- Níall McLaughlin Architects -- Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos -- OMA -- OFIS arhitekti -- Palais Mai -- Peter Haimerl Architektur -- Pezo von Ellrichshausen -- Plasma Studio -- querkraft architekten -- RCR Arquitectes -- Realarchitektur -- Sauerbruch Hutton -- Schulz und Schulz -- Sean Godsell Architects -- Skälsö Arkitekter -- Snøhetta -- Solid Objectives - Idenburg Liu SO-IL -- Soul Fujimoto Architects -- Staab Architekten -- Studio Gang -- Studio Libeskind -- Studio MK27 -- Studio Odile Decq -- Tezuka Architects -- Tham & Videgård Arkitekter -- Titus Bernhard Architekten -- Topotek 1 -- UNStudio -- Vector Architects -- Zaha Hadid Architects -- ZAO/standard-architecture.
Parallel texts in English and German.

2019 marks the centenary of a myth: the Bauhaus has shaped architectural history like no other modern institution. Even 100 years after its foundation in Weimar, the principles, methods and visions of the Bauhaus masters and students are still alive. But the many ways in which the Bauhaus is regarded today are as diverse as the goals pursued by its individual directors and workshops in the past. What Bauhaus means, the associations it invokes and its typical characteristics are all a matter of interpretation and perspective. There is no universal formula. In this book, 100 architects from around the world share their personal views on the Bauhaus. In short texts accompanied by photos or sketches, they describe what they associate with this avant-garde school, how the Bauhaus is relevant to them personally, and the aspects they consider to be 'typical Bauhaus'. Architecture and design, the everyday and the exemplary, processes and experiments are just a few aspects of the range of topics addressed in these brief essays. 100 individual perspectives provide insight into the authors' design principles and architectural understanding.


9783955534516 (paperback)
3955534510 (paperback)


Bauhaus Influence.
Modern movement (Architecture) Influence.
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Design History 20th century.
Architecture, Modern.
Mouvement moderne (Architecture) Influence.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Design Histoire 20e siècle.
Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.)


exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.

Added entries:

Hofmeister, Sandra, 1970- editor.
My Bauhaus.
My Bauhaus. German.
DETAIL Special.

Mein Bauhaus : 100 Architekten zum 100. Geburtstag eines Mythos


Location: Library main 304799
Call No.: BIB 250515
Status: Available


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