Hatakeyama, Naoya, 1958- photographer.
伊東豊雄<台中歌劇院>写真集 / 畠山直哉写真 ; 藤森照信, 伊東豊雄文 ; 川上純子, ジャン・ユンカーマン 英訳, 方薇雅繁体中文訳 = Toyo Ito, Taichung Opera House / Naoya Hatakeyama. Itō Toyō "Taichū Kagekiin" shashinshū / Hatakeyama Naoya shashin ; Fujimori Terunob, Itō Toyō bun ; Kawakami Junko, John Junkerman Ei-yaku ; Hō Biga Chūbun-yaku = Toyo Ito, Taichung Opera House / Naoya Hatakeyama.
Tōkyō-to Toshima-ku : Kenchiku Shiryō Kenkyūsha, 2019.
155 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm
Itō, Toyoo, 1941-
Itō, Toyō.
Taizhong guo jia ge ju yuan.
Theater architecture Taiwan Taichung City.
Theaters Taiwan Taichung City Design and construction.
Architects Japan.
Architectes Japon.
Theater architecture
Theaters Design and construction
Taichū kokka kagekiin.
Taiwan Taichung City
Fujimori, Terunobu, 1946- writer of added text.
Itō, Toyoo, 1941- writer of added text.
Kawakami, Junko, translator.
Junkerman, John, translator.
Hō, Biga, translator.
Toyo Ito, Taichung Opera House
伊東豊雄<台中歌劇院>写真集 / 畠山直哉写真 ; 藤森照信, 伊東豊雄文 ; 川上純子, ジャン・ユンカーマン 英訳, 方薇雅繁体中文訳 = Toyo Ito, Taichung Opera House / Naoya Hatakeyama.
Location: Library main 320064
Call No.: 320064
Copy: 1
Status: Available
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